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Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy
By tapping on the "Accept" button below, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to War Zone terms, conditions, and privacy policy.
War Zone: Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to all users.

War Zone is an online card game created by Sahd Gurl.
By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to the following:

• This game is not limited to Sahd Cards' holders. Any person with a valid wallet can connect and play.
• Users can login by connecting their wallets.
• Every connected wallet is a separate account.
• The currently supported wallets are the following: Phantom, Solflare, Torus, Ledger, Sollet, Glow, Slope and Sollet.
• Users can choose a display name for their account.
• Users can choose an avatar for their account.
• A game is a set of rounds.
• The user who creates the game chooses the round mode to adopt. For example, if the chosen round mode is "3 out of 5", players need to win 3 sets out of 5 to win the whole game. The simplest mode is "1 out of 1", which means the whole game is just one set, and its winner wins the game.
• A game set starts with two players in the game. Every player is assigned a random card, the player who has the highest card wins the set.
• The order of cards from the highest to the lowest is the following: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
• The card's suit has nothing to do with the game. All suits are equal.
• When the user creates a game, they choose their opponent. An opponent is either the AI algorithm or another human player.
• If the user chooses to play with another human player, they will need to send them an invite link. Once the second player joins using the link, the game starts.
• The only way to play the game is to acquire coins.
• The user who creates the game chooses the number of coins to put in play. For example, if the game's creator puts 2 coins in play, the other player should agree on putting 2 coins in play as well. In this example, the winner wins 4 coins, so the net profit is 2 coins.
• Users can buy and redeem coins. The buy price is 0.08 SOL per coin. The sell price is 0.07 SOL per coin.
• The currently supported currency is Solana.
• One can redeem no less than the total coins available in the account. For example, if a user has 10 coins and wants to redeem, they need to do so for all the 10 coins.
• Coins are virtual game assets, not SPL tokens. The only way to redeem coins is through this website.
• Users can transfer coins from one account to another using wallet addresses. The only benefit of such a transfer - over sending SOL from one account to another - is that it happens with no transaction fees.
• Switching wallets while in the game could cause unwanted outcomes. Such a behavior would eventually end the game and might cause unintended losses.
• Leaving a game before rounds are complete could cause unintended losses, specially when user is playing with the AI.
• Make sure the internet connection is stable. War Zone is not responsible for any failed transactions related to connection latency.
• There is currently no low connection mode put in place.

War Zone: Privacy Policy

• No cookies will be used on this website.
• This website does not hold any sensitive information that can be shared with a third party.
• No information is shared with any third party.
• No information is shared for marketing purposes.
• Registered wallets and corresponding display names and avatars are not shared with any third party.
• Game algorithm is total randomness and is not intended to cause any wins or losses.
• An account is created when a new wallet is connected.
Acquire Coins
In War Zone, players put coins in play. One can buy and redeem coins for exchange of SOL.
You can acquire coins now, so you be ready to create and join games when War Zone is officially launched.
Select number of coins to acquire
Total Price is SOL
Transaction Fees Excluded
Setup and Play!
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Or Join A Game
How Many Rounds Should A Player Win To Win The Game?
How Many Coins Do You Want To Put In Play?
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